Cram for AP Exams!

Taking an AP exam this spring? Access all of our AP testing materials right from your home. Find these links and more on the HUB’s study page

  • Testing and Education Resource Center (TERC): Get practice AP tests, test prep eBooks, and tips for students from TERC, brought to you by Peterson's, a leader in test prep guides. Once on TERC, use the “High School” menu to access AP test resources. Access TERC with an AHML library card 
  • Get connected with a live tutor for 1-on-1 test help or watch video lessons from GetAFive. Once on, use the “Other Tools” menu and choose “Prep for the AP exams” to get started. Live tutors are available from noon to midnight. Access with an AHML library card 
  • eBooks: Find AP test prep eBooks. Access our eBooks with an AHML library card 
  • CollegeBoard website: Get updates on the AP exams and information about taking the exams from home. 


Don’t forget, you can sign up for an online library card to get access to eBooks and digital resources. Find out more here

Questions? Chat with us, find us on social media @HUB500, or email us at