Thanks for making us a 5-star library for the tenth year in a row

For the tenth consecutive year, Arlington Heights Memorial Library (AHML) has received a five-star rating in Library Journal's national rating of public libraries. Five stars is the highest rating that a library can receive. Over the ten editions of LJ's ranking of Star Libraries, 606 libraries have been named Star Libraries in one or more years. A total of 69 libraries received stars in each of the ten rankings. Of those, AHML is one of only 13 public libraries nationwide to have earned a five-star rating each and every year.
“We continue to remain strong in library visits, circulation and program attendance. We attribute this to exceptional staff and an engaged community that strongly support the library,” said Mike Driskell, Acting Executive Director. “This award is really about being in tune with our community and providing the services that they want, when they want them. Responsive change to align services with needs is key to receiving this award year after year. Our mission is to focus completely on the community to identify the services and programs that our residents need and do whatever we can to make them happen.”

This year, 7,409 U.S. public libraries qualified to be rated in the Index. In this edition, there are 259 Star Libraries, each receiving three-star, four-star or five-star designations.Twenty two libraries in Illinois have been named Star Libraries for 2017, and out of these, AHML is just one of six public libraries in the state to earn a top five-star rating. Read more here.