Event Details
Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, 2–3 p.m.
Zoom Event
Event Description

Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Lynsey Addario joins us to discuss her experience covering Afghanistan for 20 years - - what life was like, especially for women, during the Taliban's rule, how life changed for women in the 20 years she's been covering the country, and how Afghans are reacting now.  She will share powerful images that she captured during this time. She will be joined in conversation with award-winning interviewer Steve Edwards, formerly of WBEZ and the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics.

Ms. Addario covers major conflict zones across the globe and is a regular contributor to National GeographicThe New York Times, and Time magazine.  Addario was the recipient of a MacArthur Foundation “Genius Grant” and in 2015 was named one of five most influential photographers of the past 25 years for changing the way we see world conflict by American Photo Magazine. She is the bestselling author of the memoir It’s What I Do

Steve Edwards, formerly on air and interim CEO at WBEZ, Chicago Public Radio. He's an award-winning interviewer. He has moderated several events for us and does a wonderful job! He brings his experience from many years on air to the moderated conversations he leads. He spent more than 20 years as an award-winning journalist, interviewer and host of such acclaimed programs as WBEZ’s Eight Forty-Eight and The Afternoon Shift. His work has appeared on the BBC, Bloomberg News, PBS, and numerous public radio stations.  He also served as the director of the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics.

Registration required to attend this live Zoom event. You will receive the link to join by email.


Presented in partnership with multiple Illinois libraries, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Bradley University, and Peoria Area World Affairs Council.

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