1.103 Public and Media Communications

Replaces 08/16/2005

To ensure that the public receives consistent and accurate information about Arlington Heights Memorial Library, the Board and staff maintain open, two-way communication between the Library and its various audiences and stakeholders.  The Communications & Marketing Department carries out a planned public information program that informs the public about the Library’s programs and services and promotes the use of the Library to all residents.

To promote a good understanding of the Library’s objectives and services among governing officials, community leaders, and the general public, the Board of Library Trustees recognizes that public communications involve every person who has a connection with the Library.  The Board urges its own members and all staff members and volunteers to realize that they represent the Library in every public contact.

The Communications & Marketing Director is the Library’s media contact.  Media inquiries are referred as appropriate to the Board of Library Trustees, the Executive Director or others.  In the event that the Executive Director and the President of the Board of Library Trustees are unavailable for a needed media response, the inquiry is referred to another officer of the Board of Library Trustees.

If other trustees are contacted directly by the media, it is important to deliver a consistent external message.  Since trustees do not usually have budgets and other documents readily at hand, it may be most helpful to the media to refer such calls to staff.  Unless designated to do so, an individual trustee does not speak for the whole board.

In an emergency situation, official statements to the public and media are made by a member of the Library’s executive committee (EXCO).