It's official! Thank you for making us a 5-star library once again

For the eighth consecutive time, Arlington Heights Memorial Library has received a five-star rating in Library Journal's national rating of public libraries. Five stars is the highest rating that a library can receive. Star ratings are based on the annual number of library visits, circulation, program attendance and public Internet computer use.
 In 2015, 7,663 U.S. public libraries —more than ever before—were scored on the Library Journal Index of Public Library Service. Nationally, 261 libraries earned a three, four or five-star status including 19 in Illinois. Out of these 19 libraries, Arlington Heights Memorial Library was one of just five public libraries in the state to earn a top five-star rating.

This is an honor for not only our staff and the Library Board of Trustees, but also for you, our customers. Thank you for making us a five-star library once again. See Library Journal's 2015 index of America's Star Libraries.