Health questions? Check out these library databases!

It's quick and easy to search Google with your health questions, but sometimes the information you find there has not been well-researched and is even misleading. Instead, consider visiting the health databases section of the library's website ( > Research > Databases > Health) to find online sources that feature information vetted by health researchers and medical experts. Resources include:
Browse and search through authoritative articles and publications on thousands of diseases, conditions, drugs, tests and therapies.
Interested in alternative treatments, but worried about their safety and effectiveness? Natural Medicines provides information on the effectiveness and safety of herbs, supplements, minerals, diets, nutrition, exercises and methods, with a clear rating system based on available peer-reviewed research.
An online bookshelf of medical reference books covering diseases, conditions, consumer topics, current issues and much more. Browse through individual books or search the entire collection at once.
A comprehensive clearinghouse of medical information from the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Make sure to discuss any treatments or health concerns with your physician. Find more valuable resources at