Have you tried hoopla yet? Videos and music on your smartphone, tablet or computer

What's all the hoopla about hoopla? Hoopla is a new digital media service that allows A.H. cardholders to borrow free digital video, music and audiobooks. It offers access to thousands of titles, available for instant streaming or temporary download to a smartphone, tablet or computer. There’s no waiting to borrow and hoopla digital’s automatic return eliminates all late fees. Highlights include:
  • A.H. cardholders may borrow up to eight items per calendar month.
  • Titles can be streamed or downloaded for a specific period of time and are automatically removed from your device when they expire.
  • You can view/listen to items as many times as you'd like within the borrowing period.
  • Borrowing limits are as follows:
Movies/TV: 2 or 3 days (most are 3 days)
Music Albums: 7 days
Audiobooks: 21 days
You’ll find hoopla on the library’s ebooks and download webpage. There you can get the app for your mobile device or go straight to the hoopla website. Create an account, enter your library and card number, and you’re on your way to experiencing all kinds of entertainment.  If you find you need help, just give us a call at 847-392-0100.