Wanna' be a rock star? Watch one at work in the Studio

The rock band Bobglobin debuted its latest music video earlier this month thanks in part to the Studio, the library’s multimedia production lab.  The band’s lead guitarist and Arlington Heights resident Tony Jannotta shot his part of the video at the library using the Studio’s Go Pro camera and green screen.
“The lead singer, Hop Litzwire, lives in Little Rock, Arkansas. He is an ESPN producer and camera guy, so he has his own studio,” says Allyson Jannotta, Tony’s wife who assisted with the production. “Usually my husband flies to Little Rock, but since we were able to use the camera and green screen at the library, it saved us from having to pay for the flight.”
Watch the end result featuring Tony on the guitar in Sinistar, a hard-driving rock tribute to the 1982 classic video arcade game.
Learn more about the Studio. Funded by the Friends of the Library.