Library's five-star rating receives added honor from Springfield

In recognition of the library's recent five-star rating, Illinois State Representative David Harris delivered a special congratulatory message direct from Springfield to the Library Board of Trustees. Speaking at their monthly meeting on January 20, Harris presented the Illinois House of Representatives Certificate of Recognition to Board President Kerry Pearson and Executive Director Jason Kuhl. The certificate reads:
"The 98th General Assembly, House of Representatives, acknowledges Arlington Heights Memorial Library in recognition of receiving a five star rating in Library Journal's national rating of public libraries for seven years in a row."
The library was one of only 21 libraries in the nation to have earned five stars for each of the past seven years. Star ratings are based on the annual number of library visits, circulation, program attendance and public Internet computer use. The library's range of programs for children, teens and adults plus specialized services offered in the library's Business Center and Training Center were key in receiving this distinctive recognition.
"When I heard about the five-star rating I said that's a real achievement," Harris added. "It speaks well of the board, the staff and overall of the community's involvement. Hats off to all of you for what you do."