Statement from the Board of Library Trustees


Opening remarks from Debbie Smart, Board of Library Trustees President
Arlington Heights Memorial Library Committee of the Whole meeting, October 30, 2017

Welcome to tonight’s Committee of the Whole meeting, used by board and staff as a tool for planning and communication. It is transparent in nature so that the community is aware of upcoming projects, priorities, issues and business decisions. No official business will be approved or voted on tonight.

Over the last several weeks, inaccurate information has been circulating, which the board wishes to address:
1. At no time did the board direct staff to cancel the immigration programming. Staff made the proper decision to do so as safety concerns arose for both staff and potential participants. In fact, the Library Board reaffirmed our support of the immigration programming at our September 25, 2017 board meeting.
2. On January 17, 2017, the Board amended the Arlington Heights Memorial Library Vision and Values to reflect diversity and inclusion as part of our institutional values. We support free and equal access for all. Task forces were started by staff to address audience development, south side resident inclusion and expanding services for people with disabilities.
3. This summer, our board fully supported our Inspiring Understanding and Build a Better World initiatives by attending programming and participating in workshops.
4. During February and May, the board approved budget amendments adding the following resources:
• A grant and development position to apply for new revenue streams to support initiatives
• A community engagement liaison to better identify community needs.
• A bilingual specialty services advisor for our Hispanic community’s needs.
All of these positions help better serve the underserved and to assist in gauging our community’s current needs.
5. The Board recently approved the funding for the 2018 XOXO exhibit, which highlights interactive experiences about love, understanding and forgiveness.
6. The library board, first and foremost, serves our community.
As public officials, library trustees have a duty to take such actions as are reasonable to provide an efficient and well-managed library. Library trustees solely make decisions that they deem in the best interest of the community. At the end of the day, the board is ultimately responsible for the library’s performance. This board has always been very transparent in nature. However, we cannot and will not comment on any performance or personnel issues on the advice of our attorney.
Our board will continue to be governed by the Arlington Heights Memorial Library’s Vision and Values, library policies, those of the State of Illinois Local Library Act, guidelines from the American Library Association and American Library Association Library Bill of Rights.


A message to our Valued Customers and Residents from Mike Driskell, Acting Executive Director

Dear Valued Customers of Arlington Heights Memorial Library,
The library is currently in the midst of leadership change. We are determined to do everything we can to make the transition seamless in the eyes of our customers. We are particularly proud of all our staff at this time, especially those in roles that you interact with every day. It is important for us to continue listening to our employees and our residents so that we can emerge from these changes positively.
As we move forward, we will continue to follow the library’s core values, which include unparalleled customer service, free and equal access, diversity and inclusion, fiscal responsibility and a focus on the Arlington Heights Community.


The Board of Library Trustees meeting schedule can be found here.