Learn more about the Know Your Rights Workshop


"I want to assure you that we are absolutely committed to free and equitable access to information, programs and services to everyone."
Mike Driskell, Acting Executive Director

Trusted resources recommended by our librarians
Legal information online and some free consultation
Illinois Legal Aid Online
Ayuda Legal
Immigrant Legal Resource Center
Know Your Rights
Available in multiple languages
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Know Your Rights
Immigrants’ Rights – What to Do If You Are Stopped video:

Printable wallet card from the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Where can I find the information that was going to be presented at the Workshop?
The website of the group that was scheduled to present the workshop can be found here http://www.calachicago.org/

Where can I find the meeting schedule of the Library Board of Trustees meetings?
The schedule for board meetings is posted here: http://www.ahml.info/about/information
What are the guidelines the Library uses to make programming decisions?
Arlington Heights Memorial Library Vision, Values and Priorities
Arlington Heights Memorial Library Code of Ethics Policy
American Library Association Library Bill of Rights
American Library Association Professional Ethics
FAQ regarding our Know Your Rights Workshop
What was the workshop Know Your Rights about?
It was an informational program for anyone who would like to learn more about immigration rights presented by the Community Activism Law Alliance. It was scheduled for Monday, September 25, at 7 p.m.
Why was the workshop cancelled?
The program was cancelled for the safety of workshop participants, customers and staff.
What led the library to believe that safety was an issue?
Library staff had multiple interactions with members of the public about the Workshop. Reference was made that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) would be called to be present at the program.
Our top priority is to ensure the safety of attendees at our programs. Given the direct and implied threats being made, we did not feel we could adequately ensure that safety, so we made the difficult decision to cancel the program for that reason.
Will the program be rescheduled?
We are talking about that right now. At this point, nothing has been rescheduled. We steadfastly remain committed to the principles outlined in our Vision, Values and Priorities and will continue to offer programs guided by them:  http://www.ahml.info/about/AHML
How can I give feedback about this program?
We would welcome hearing the views of the entire Arlington Heights community on this topic. Please use our online form which can be found here: http://www.ahml.info/contact
Updated October 6, 2017