No More Library Fines as of January 2

Library items are now fine free

Say goodbye to library fines, Arlington Heights. As of Saturday, January 2, the Arlington Heights Memorial Library is officially fine free.

What does this mean for any existing overdue fines  you may have had? If you had library fines on your account in 2020, they were waived on January 2.

“The focus has shifted to simply getting the materials back on time and continuing to allow access to the library,” said Executive Director Mike Driskell.

Customers are still responsible for returning library items as borrowing privileges will be suspended when an item is 14 days overdue, meaning their library card will no longer be able to check out library items or access online library resources until overdue items are returned. As soon as overdue items are returned, the account will become active once again.

If overdue items aren’t returned, customers will receive another reminder overdue notice a week later. Their account will be billed for the item if it is not returned within 35 days of the due date. If it is still not returned within 45 days of the due date, the account will be referred to a material recovery agency.

Items checked out through interlibrary loans will not accrue fines either, although customers will remain responsible for any replacement costs the other library charges.

Learn more about loan periods and fees.