National Friends of Libraries Week is October 17-23

National Friends of Libraries Week

The Arlington Heights Memorial Library is proud to celebrate the Friends of the Arlington Heights Memorial Library as part of the 16th annual celebration of National Friends of Libraries Week, October 17-23.

The Friends of the Arlington Heights Memorial Library is a nonprofit organization that understands the critical importance of well-funded libraries and advocates to ensure the Arlington Heights Memorial Library has access to the programs, materials and equipment needed to provide quality services to the community. The Friends sponsor yearly sales and maintain a book boutique (located on the first floor) offering used books and magazines for sale throughout the year. To learn more about upcoming Friends of the Library events and sales, visit

The library would like to say thank you to the Friends for all of the hard work they do to make our library and community so much better.

National Friends of Libraries Week is coordinated by United for Libraries, a division of the American Library Association. For more information, visit