Magazines, Journals & Newspapers




Census records, family/local histories, Revolutionary War pension & land applications, city directories and more.

Video Tutorial    

Hispanic Life in America

The experience and impact of Hispanic Americans as recorded by the news media, 1704 to today.

More Info     Video Tutorial    


MasterFILE Complete

Magazine, journal and reference articles on all topics. Includes Consumer Reports issues.

Video Tutorial    


National Geographic

Full-text issues of National Geographic (1880-present) and  National Geographic Traveler (2010-present).  Hundreds of maps, videos and images.

Video Tutorial    

National Geographic Kids

Pictures, books and magazine articles about animals, science, history, cultures, the environment and more.

Video Tutorial    

New York Times (via Proquest)

NOTE: Full access to the website and app is now available. Details here.

Articles from 1/1/80-present. Content also available from:  New York Times Magazine, the New York Times Book Review, the Online Edition, the International Edition, and videos. Related tools: the historical edition (1851-4 years ago) and digitized (pdf) recent issues (2008-3 months ago)

Video Tutorial    

New York Times via News, Cooking, Crossword/Games (remote access)

Access the full content of the NY Times websites and app, including News, Cooking and Crossword & GamesThe link above is for access outside the library and is for AHML resident cardholders. 

Inside the library? Click Here for News
Outside the library (home/work/etc.)? Click here
Looking for Cooking or Crosswords/Games? Click here (These services require a remote access code, even in-library.)

All access, including in-library access for News, requires setting up a free account on NY Access lasts 24 hours and must be renewed via these links.

News For You (News Articles for English Learners)

Easy-to-read news stories that can help you learn to read, write, speak, and understand the English language.

Newspaper & Magazine Lookup

Find out which databases have full-text of a specific newspaper, magazine or journal.

Historical access to scanned pages from hundreds of newspapers. Coverage varies by paper. [Note: and Access Newspaper Archive both cover different sets of newspapers, with some overlap.]

Video Tutorial    

Nexis Uni

From Lexis Nexis. Legal sources (federal/state statutes/cases), business directories, news/magazine/journal articles and much more. Directory listings from Company Dossier can be downloaded for mailing/contact lists. Topic-specific training videos  available.

NOTE: Nexis Uni has introduced a new interface. Learn more here or register for a free webinar.

7/7/24: Nexis Uni having login problems. 

  • If you get an error message with a blue button to "Go to My Start Page," click on that button and you will go through to the product. 
  • If you are prompted  to "Continue and Sign In...," click on the sign in message, but DO NOT try to fill out the sign-in form. Instead, return to the Nexis Uni on our databases menu and click on that link again. Then click on "Go to My Start Page," as above.


Physical Review Journals

Published by the American Physical Society. High-end journals on physics, astrophysics, optics, etc.

Points of View Reference Source

Provides rich pro/con content to help assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills.


Choose from thousands of U.S. and international newspapers and magazines on your PC or mobile device. NOTE: PressReader's authentication process has recently changed. See details here.

App     More Info     Video Tutorial    

Primary Search

Search for full text for the most popular children's magazines, eBooks, and easy-to-read encyclopedic entries written specifically for kids.

ProQuest Global Newsstream

Search over 2,800 news sources including newspapers, newswires, transcripts, video, and digital-first content in full-text format. Access Chicago Tribune (1851-present), Wall Street Journal (2009-present), New York Times (1980-present), etc.

Proquest Recent Newspapers: Chicago Tribune

(Formerly Proquest Digitized Newspapers) Full-page scans of recent Chicago Tribune issues (2008-3 months ago).

Proquest Recent Newspapers: New York Times

(Formerly Proquest Digitized Newspapers) Full-page scans of recent NY Times issues (2008-3 months ago).

Proquest Recent Newspapers: Wall Street Journal

(Formerly Proquest Digitized Newspapers) Full-page scans of recent Wall Street Journal issues (2008-3 months ago).


Readers' Guide Retrospective: 1890-1980

Historical index for magazine and journal articles.


Special Reports (from Newsbank)

Selected news and reference articles on current "hot topics" around the world.


Wall Street Journal via Proquest

NOTE: Full access to the website is now available to Arlington Heights cardholders. Details here.

Articles from the eastern print edtion. Business and financial news from 1/2/84-present. Articles from the online edition also available.

Wall Street Journal via

Full access to the Wall Street Journal website (no app access).

Arlington Heights cardholders only

Washington Post via Proquest

NOTE: Full access to the website and app is now available. Details here.

Full text for 1996-present. Also available: blog posts and videos.

Washington Post via

Access the full content of the Washington Post website and app. The link above is for access outside the library and is for AHML resident cardholders. Anyone inside the library can have full access to the website here (no app access).

Make an Appointment

MeetingSchedule an appointment to get help with these and other interests:

  • downloading eBooks
  • researching genealogy
  • finding a job
  • computers and technology