Event Details
Friday, May 29, 2020, 7–8:30 p.m.
See Description for Location
Event Description

Join us for a one-of a kind, two-part writing workshop with creative writing professor and author Rebekah Frumkin. This is the second session. The full workshop begins on Friday, May 22.

Fiction is a serious art form, filled with the tie-straightening formality of Very Serious Subjects such as love (often thwarted), desire (also often thwarted), class and climate consciousness, and death, to name a handful. In this workshop, Rebekah will lead you to not only discover humor in fiction - what’s funny, what’s not and why we punch up instead of down - but lead you in exploring the idea of levity as an opportunity to write with poignancy and impact about the Very Serious Subjects that deserve literary airtime.

We’re all familiar with wanting to be the funny ones at the party - because humor, when executed well, makes one memorable and in fact quite likable. But what if ours are the funny books at the party? What if we can make issues we’re passionate about memorable, our words likable, all with the deft use of humor? You'll have a chance to write and workshop a piece of funny fiction or nonfiction.

This is the second part of a live, two-part workshop, Fridays May 22 & 29. You must register to participate. Sign up here to participate in both sessions.

The workshop which will be held on Zoom and you will receive instructions to join by email. New to Zoom? Check out our guide to prepare for the workshop.

No Library Card Required
Rebekah Frumkin

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